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About Me

In 2003, I was introduced to the medium of stucco. This material revolutionized my work as it brought my ideas to life and gave substance and solidity to my subject matter. Many of my pieces have been inspired by pregnancy, the shapes and lines of the pregnant woman and the internal bond between mother and baby. These sculptures are a celebration of this magical period in a woman’s life and reflect my own experiences of it.  I have tried to capture the fulfilment, serenity, and contentment I felt. I am drawn by the contrasts of heavy but delicate, bulky yet feminine, introverted and at the same time extroverted. I am fascinated by the contrast between the private inner world of the intimate connection between mother and baby and the desire, almost compulsion of others to touch the mother’s swollen belly. I want my sculptures to feel peaceful and private and at the same time tactile, drawing the hand towards the work, inviting you to touch and stroke the work.